Using the PNB
Every police force has their own regulations on police notebooks. However, they should always be used as a comprehensive record of an event. They may then later be used for writing statements or reports; both of which are just the formal writing of the event in questioning. (I'll cover them again later)
In courts we do:We must not forget that at any time, the courts are allowed to scrutinize the officers pnb if they believe it was not filled correctly or following the rules that have been established for them. Basically if you write what you're supposed to, then you'll become a reliable witness and BOOM YOUR JOBS DONE, WELL DONE OFFICER! Failure can result in them questioning your accuracy and honesty, or the exclusion of your evidence and then the dismissal of the case....which is BAD!
Say something happens and oh no you haven't brought your best friend the PNB along, what will you do? How can you record what happened? How will you show you toke action in the name of justice? SIMPLE - You are allowed to use any available piece of paper and pen to write the notes down, but considering PNB's are considered 'exhibits' you will need to add those notes in to your PNB whenever you then get a chance to. DO NOT STAPLE IT IN!
Many believe that now society and the world are evolving, the police too should evolve and start using technology such as smart pads to record information. Personally i'm not sure if this is a good idea simply because stuff can be erased from computer systems. By mistake or intentional...i'm sure I speak for enough students when I say that so many times it is easy to press the wrong button by mistake and boom there goes your work. Not just that but what happens if for whatever reason that item gets dropped or broken. That officer cannot obtain anymore information from the rest of his or her duty. How is that efficient?
However...I still can see the downside of paper and pen, such as if it rains....then bye bye paper (unless you can get under shelter) plus in pen its harder to cheat so to speak. Every day is underlined which means that nothing can be added afterwards so nothing can be changed or added at a later date. So if you forget something....TOUGH LUCK!
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